led bulb pad pinter




is versatile for pad printing on all kinds of materials including LED bulb.The

siliconpad of led bulb printing machine transfers a 2-D image on laser etched

printing plate to the 3-D object, LED bulb.

4 primary pad printing supplies:

image plate, printing ink, silicone printing pad and rubber.


Étape 1 :Put the closed ink cup on the etched artwork area on pad print plate to cover the LED bulb logo and fill it with ink. It is called home position.

Étape 2 : Move the closed ink cup away from the etched artwork area and take all excessive pad printer ink and expose the etched LED bulb logo filled with ink. As soon as the top layer of pad printer ink is exposed to air, it becomes tacky. By this way, the pad printer ink adheres to the pad and then to the LED bulb.

Étape 3 :Appuyez immédiatement le tampon sur la plaque. Le tampon comprimé pousse l'air vers l'extérieur et soulève l'encre de la zone gravée sur le tampon.

Étape 4 :Ramassez la pellicule collante dans la zone de gravure du tampon lorsque le tampon se détache. Un peu d'encre reste dans la plaque d'impression du tampon.

Étape 5 :The ink cup moves covering the etched artwork area of the plate when the pad moves forward. Preparing for the next cycle, the ink cup refill in the etched LED bulb logo of the transfer plate.

Étape 6 : The pad compresses the product to transfer the ink layer from the print pad plate to the surface of LED bulb. Later, the pad lifts the substrate and goes back to the normal position.

how to pad print a led bulb


SM-215-90 is a tabletop led bulb pad printing machine with an up/down drive and front/rear drive, all driven by servo motors. All operations can be adjusted and programmed on the touch screen and controlled by the brand PLC. The led bulb pad printing machine has stable working performance and can achieve high-precision led bulb printing. The ink cup size of this pad printer is 90x100mm and the printing plate size is 100x215mm. It is widely used in small parts printing, especially high-standard parts, such as auto parts, electronic parts, etc. This tabletop led bulb logo  printing machine is also suitable for production integration lines

OIE one-color led bulb logo printing machine is one of the common types of led bulb pad printing machines, which can only print one color. Most of our one-color pad printing machines for led bulb are equipped with closed ink cups. This one-color pad printing machine has a variety of sizes to choose from, and can print various types of products, such as various bottles, packaging boxes, barcodes and other simple patterns. This one-color bulb printing machine is equipped with a sturdy welded steel base and has an adjustable floor leveler and a height-adjustable worktable. The standard machines are all pneumatically driven and controlled by PCB. We also have different models, such as servo-driven, belt cleaning, etc. We also provide complete pad printing kits.

OIE two-color pad printing machine for led bulb is divided into 3 series: 125 series – suitable for printing small size parts; 160 series – suitable for printing medium size parts; 200 series – suitable for printing large size parts. There are two common types of OIE two-color pad printing machines, one is equipped with a shuttle worktable, another with a pad transport shuttle. This standard two-color pad printing machine is pneumatic driven, but we have other different types of machines such as servo motor driven pad printers. And we also provide full pad printing kits.

The standard models of OIE four-color led bulb name printing machines are OIE-160C-4 and OIE-200C-4. This four-color led bulb pad printing machine is a shuttle worktable type. The standard ink cup size is 90x100mm; the required ink cup size can also be customized according to different printing products. The four-color pad pringting machine for led bulb is controlled by pneumatic drive and PCB board, and it can also be driven by a PLC control servo according to different printing requirements. Four-color pad printing machine for led bulb is widely used in the printing of toys, stationery, electronic parts and other products.


Led bulb printing provides incredible image resolution and clarity,  able to vary edges, tones and details of a printed image. Pad Printing machine for led bulb is applied for objects with flatter surface and simpler geometry.

02. Tampon et plaque personnalisés

Led bulb printing is able to customize image plate and the rubber pad according to customers’ design requirements. Although pad printing is more expensive, it produces extremely
reliable and accurate image results. More modernized bulb printing machine includes precise robotic printing and accuracy measurement guided by laser, able to accommodate products of a wider range. Pad Printing machine for led bulb also can cooperate with products of different heights to print images on higher and lower areas at the same time.

03 Composition de l'encre

Ink composition is an advantage for led bulb printing machine. Selecting the proper ink is ultimately decided by the printed surfaces. There are two categories of surfaces: ink of one component and two components. One component ink is suitable for thermoplastic surfaces like Polyethylene, Polystyrene, PVC, and Polypropylene. Two component ink with features of hardening chemical and ink is commonly used for objects subject to high mechanical stress or chemical exposure.

01. taille du mobile

The size of motive is limited by pad, plate, and efficiency of led bulb name printing machine. The diameter of the biggest efficiently printed motive is 30 cm currently.

02. Épaisseur de la couche pour le film d'encre

Le procédé de tampographie utilise des plaques d'une profondeur allant jusqu'à 20-25 µm. Par conséquent, les encres traditionnelles produisent un film d'encre d'environ 7 µm. L'épaisseur de la couche peut être augmentée par l'impression multicouche, mais il est difficile d'imprimer efficacement des particules rugueuses.

03. Vitesse d'impression

The printing speed is relatively slower for limited pretreatment of pad printing machine for led bulb.

1.L'encre ne peut pas adhérer à la pièce

L'énergie de surface du matériau est trop faible. Le niveau de dyne pour que l'encre adhère à la surface est de 42 ou plus. Il est également utile d'ajouter un modificateur d'adhérence à l'encre lorsque la surface du matériau présente une énergie minimale.

Un autre coupable est la contamination. L'huile résiduelle provenant du dégagement de moisissures, de l'amont ou de la transpiration des manipulateurs peut devenir un obstacle à l'adhérence ou au transfert efficace de l'encre. Les personnes qui manipulent l'encre doivent se tenir à l'écart des agents de dégagement de moisissures et de la zone de l'image sur les pièces.

Use the ink wrongly or test too early. Before initiating production, handlers must test adhesion additives, inks and chemical resistance. There is no ink can adhere to everything or satisfy all performance requirements. led bulb pad printing machine need to seek help from their suppliers to evaluate with print test.

Il est fréquent que les tests soient effectués trop tôt. Toutes les encres sont post-polymérisables, c'est-à-dire qu'aussi sèches qu'elles soient, elles n'ont pas encore durci au point de présenter une résistance maximale aux produits chimiques et à l'adhérence. Les encres à séchage UV peuvent également durcir un jour après leur utilisation, tandis que les encres à deux composants peuvent durer de 2 à 5 jours. Avant de procéder au contrôle de la qualité, il convient de respecter les recommandations des fabricants d'encres en matière de séchage et de durcissement.

2. The Led Bulb Pad Printing Machine Cannot Doctor the Cliches

La bague de raclage de l'encrier est endommagée. Les anneaux de docteur sont principalement en porcelaine. S'ils sont manipulés correctement, ils peuvent conserver plusieurs milliers de cycles. Il est temps de changer l'anneau docteur lorsque son extrémité pointue s'use jusqu'à devenir un bord plat de 0,25 mm et qu'elle commence à maculer l'encre.

Mauvais entretien des encrier. Un joint torique flexible est conçu dans la plupart des cupules pour assurer un ajustement serré entre l'anneau racleur et la cupule. Il permet à l'anneau racleur d'être en contact étroit avec la surface du cliché lorsqu'il change de direction et traverse le cliché au cours du cycle. L'anneau racleur ne fléchit pas ou ne flotte pas et fuit si l'encre n'est pas correctement entretenue ou nettoyée.

Économisez sur l'encre. Ink is like the lubricant for ink cup in doctoring.  A minimum amount of ink is designed in most ink cups to allow the cup to efficiently doctor the cliché. When run production is short, people usually skimp on ink, especially when using the two-component ink. That’s for two-component ink has to be abandoned after the pot life expires. The ink level of the ink cup must to be enough to wet the cliché over the inside diameter of the cup of every cycle.If not wetted sufficiently, the cup is unable to clean sufficiently the surface of the cliché.

Scooping. Les encriers magnétiques sur les clichés gravés au laser et les photopolymères minces sont parfois endommagés. L'attraction magnétique des clichés peut faire dévier le cliché pour la conception de l'encrier, l'anneau racleur récupérant l'encre dans la zone de l'image. Le degré de déviation le plus élevé est causé par l'aimant dans la zone de l'image. Il est parfois possible d'éliminer ce problème en plaçant une entretoise sur le gobelet afin d'augmenter la distance entre la surface du cliché et l'aimant.

3. mauvaise qualité d'impression

Manipulate solvent evaporation properly to make led bulb pad printing machine work well, otherwise, it won’t effectively transfer and pick up with wet ink. According to the capability of machines, workers should program short delay in the cycle allowing more time for ink to change physically for complete transfer.

Lorsqu'il est impossible de retarder le programme, souffler de l'air à basse pression et à faible volume sur le tampon entre le transfert et la prise d'image pour accélérer l'évaporation du solvant. Il est également utile de procéder ainsi si l'on imprime des couleurs au cours du cycle. Lorsqu'il n'est pas possible d'appliquer de l'air ou de retarder l'application, il faut utiliser un diluant dont le taux d'évaporation est plus rapide. Si le cycle est plus rapide, il peut être nécessaire d'utiliser un diluant plus rapide, de l'air et une profondeur de gravure spécifique du cliché.